FREE EBOOK: 5 Steps to Launching your homeschool now

5 Steps To launching your homeschool now!

A guide for New and Interested Homeschooling Parents

In this FREE eBook You Will Discover:

  • How to Quickly Launch Your Homeschool in 5 Easy Steps

  • How to avoid decision fatigue in school curriculum choices

  • The keys to beginning a successful homeschool that will last

About the Authors

Andrew, a corporate executive, and Jennifer, a stay-at-home mom of 5, started their homeschool journey several years ago when their eldest daughter was not thriving in ‘traditional’ schooling. What was a “let’s try it” experiment has turned into a thriving homeschool for their 4 school age children. In sharing their perspective, Jennifer and Andrew hope to help many other parents successfully launch their homeschool journey and accelerate past the typical early challenges.